Jesus said: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and… you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all of the law and the prophets.” (Matthew chapter 22)

Dear people of God in Christ at Reformation:

It is with a very heavy heart that I send this communication. Members of the Executive Committee and staff of Reformation have just met and made the difficult decision to close our doors for an indeterminate period of time in response to the Declaration of Emergency by both our State and National Governments. This closure is effective immediately.

Who is included?

Every congregation and group (including 12 step groups) that meets face to face at Reformation. There are to be NO FACE TO FACE MEETINGS on site until further notice.

When will we reopen?

We will reopen as soon as safely possible. It is our sincere desire to reopen by or before Palm Sunday.

What about funerals?

Funeral services will be available with limited capacity and implementing all available hygiene guidelines.

Will Pastoral Care be available?

Pastor Matt will be available to serve you as best as he can at this difficult time. He is available via email – and via cell phone – (908)391-8906 for prayer over the phone or to request an in-person visit. Unfortunately, many hospitals and facilities have taken the step of restricting visitation except in extreme emergencies. Pastor Matt will do his very best to be available.

What does this mean for the congregation’s financial situation?

The harsh reality is that this is going to impact our economy in ways we do not yet fully understand. This is a reality for most every business, charitable organization, and sadly, many families. As our missional work will be continuing even during this time of closure, we encourage you to please continue to support our mutual ministry as fully and regularly as you can. You can use your bank’s online bill pay option, or mail a check made out to Lutheran Church of the Reformation to the office at 992 Broadway, West Long Branch, NJ 07764. Other options for remote giving are being investigated. Continuing regular giving, rather than making it up when we are able to reopen, will be vital. Please do your best to remain faithful in supporting the work of the Church.

Will there be an online worship or study options made available?

Pastor Matt is making plans to do some Facebook Live gatherings at our regularly scheduled worship times. This will include simple services of prayer and proclamation on Sundays at 9:30 a.m., and Prayer and Bible study on Wednesday evenings at 7:00. If you have “liked” our congregational Facebook page (Lutheran Church of the Reformation – RIC or @reformationwestlongbranch) you will be able to join in these simple services and interact in the moment by posting comments, reactions, and questions.

What about the Food Pantry and Clothes Closet?

Vital feeding ministries will continue using modified procedures. This was begun this morning. Your donations and faithful support of the Pantry ministry is greatly appreciated as we anticipate increased need at this time. However, the Clothes Closet is suspending their work until further notice. Please do not bring any clothing donations to the church at this time.

Will the building be disinfected?

Yes. If you would like to participate in this effort, let Pastor Matt know. He will be coordinating this effort with Sue Homza.

What if my question isn’t answered here?

Feel free to contact Pastor Matt with questions about our shared mission. He will direct you to others as needed.

If you need reliable information related to Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), go to

Pastor Matt will be holding you all in prayer during these days – praying through the directory for each of you by name, and hope to “see” you via Facebook Live in the days ahead.

The grace and peace of our God in Christ be with you all.

Pastor Matt and Council President Sue Homza