Weekly E-Messenger

For the week beginning April 8, 2022

Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday


Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Service of Holy Communion beginning outside

Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Facebook Live Service of the Word

Wednesday: 10 a.m. Morning Service followed by Prayer Ministry

Wednesday: 7 p.m. Evening Prayer on Facebook Live

Maundy Thursday: 7 p.m. Service of Holy Communion with foot washing

                                             7 p.m. Service of the Word on Facebook Live

Good Friday: 3 p.m. ELW Good Friday Liturgy

Good Friday: 7 p.m. Tenebrae Service

Easter Vigil: 7:30 p.m.

Easter Morning: 9:30 a.m. Festival Service of Holy Communion

                                                9:30 a.m. Service of the Word on Facebook Live


 Curt Aussicker, Jonathon & Crystal and their triplets, Denise Burke, Les Cadigan, Robert Coles, Connie, Nick Cimorelli, Diane DeRasmo, Margaret Dix, Jan Erwin, Rosemary Howell, Royce Howell, Jonathan, Michael, Rose, Lisa & family, Trina, Inger LaManna, Ann Marie Neikum, Dan Nilsson, Conny Plancey, Jeff Reis, Peter Repak, Myra Reyes, Joseph Scataglia, Penny Shermer, Diane Smith, Agnes Taylor, Gayle Topper, Brian Valentino, Georgie Zweig

Christian Sympathy to the family and friends of Janet Vignes, Kerry Bray’s mom

PRAYER LIST UPDATE: If you have someone in need of prayers, please let us know via either Pastor Matt or the church office and we will be sure to add them to our list above. If you have good news to share on recovery of anyone on our prayer list, please let the office or Pastor Matt know. We’ll gladly share the good news!!


Sunday, April 10th at 3 p.m.

Come join us and enjoy The Easter Story, with words and music by Tom Fettke and Thomas Grassi.

It us a profound story engaging heart, mind and imagination through word and music.

It will be presented by the Northern Cluster Choir and The Choraliers of Eatontown.

Maynard Burley will be directing the combined choirs.


Our visitors from Anchor Children’s Ministry and Amy

First Communion Reminder

If you have a child who is interested in beginning to commune at Reformation, please contact Pastor Matt on a Sunday, or the Church Office during the week, to get age appropriate preparation materials that you and your child can work through together. Once you have completed that work, contact Pastor Matt to set a meeting time. If there are more than one child interested, he will schedule a group session. If not, he will meet individually with you and your child to discuss the meaning of the Sacrament. Following this conversational/educational meeting, a date can be selected and your child can begin communing.

As the ELCA Use of the Means of Grace document suggests, there is no age restriction on the reception of the Sacrament. The person must simply be baptized and be able to eat and drink. This is based on our belief that God’s grace does not require our understanding or assent. God does what God does wholly apart from our participation. All that is needed is the ability to receive the sign. Education regarding the deeper meanings ought to continue throughout the whole of one’s life as a disciple of Christ.


It’s not too late to donate pajamas for our 40 days of giving during Lent. There is a bin and display in the gathering area. All donations will benefit our clothes closet!! We have 2 plus bins and would love to see that third bin filled!!


It’s time for us to consider our paper offering envelope order for 2023!! We are asking you to please let us know if you DO WANT paper offering envelopes by emailing or calling the church (reformationwlb@gmail.com or 732-229-9180).  If we do not hear from you, we will assume you no longer need paper offering envelopes because you are using our online options or just writing your envelope number on your check. We will give you until mid-May to reply before sending in our envelope order.


Anna was the Superintendent of our Sunday Church School for 60 years and to honor her memory the Anna Beaty Scholarship was established.  This scholarship is for graduating Lutheran (ELCA) high school seniors and current undergraduate college students who have attended the Lutheran Church of the Reformation’s Sunday Church School and who have applied to and eventually will be accepted at an accredited university or college for their undergraduate degree or are currently pursuing a post-secondary education at an accredited university or college for their undergraduate degree. The application is on the next page of this messenger or email the church office at reformationwlb@gmail.com for a copy.  DEADLINE FOR ALL APPLICATIONS IS APRIL 15TH

The Anna M. Beaty Scholarship

This scholarship application is for graduating Lutheran (ELCA) high school seniors and current undergraduate college students who have attended the Lutheran Church of the Reformation’s Sunday Church School and who have applied to and eventually will be accepted at an accredited university or college for their undergraduate degree or are currently pursuing a post-secondary education at an accredited university or college for their undergraduate degree.

Name____________________________________________________    Date__________________________


Telephone no.______________  cell______________  e-mail address _______________________________

Current school________________________________________________ Year of study________________

Describe your activity in the Sunday Church School as a student/ helper/ teacher: ___________________




Describe other activities in church: __________________________________________________________



Describe other activities in the community: ___________________________________________________



Describe your future vocational plans: _______________________________________________________


Do you have a college in mind? / Have you applied? / Have you been accepted? _____________________



Do you have a declared major?  ____________________________________________________________

Why is this scholarship important to you? ____________________________________________________

