Did you know 100% of all monies donated to Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) will go to help with the devastation of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Marie plus the earthquakes in Mexico? LDR was here for us after Super Storm Sandy and they’ll be there for our sisters and brothers following these latest disasters.  All donations should be made out to Reformation Lutheran Church with the memo line indicating current disasters or if you choose you can make your tax-deductible donation directly to Lutheran Disaster Response by going to their website at www.elca.org/lutheran disaster response

There are many fine organizations at work in responding to these disaster, but because of the way LDR partners with local congregations and those already on the ground, they operate with essentially zero overhead – virtually 100% of your gift goes directly to relief efforts!


Again, simply send or drop off a check made to Reformation Lutheran Church with current disaster in the memo line


Our address is Reformation Lutheran Church, 992 Broadway, West Long Branch, NJ 07764.