For the Week Beginning November 9, 2018

Lectionary 32/Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost




Saturday – 5:00 p.m. Service of Holy Communion

Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Service of Holy Communion

Wednesday – 10 a.m. Eucharist followed by Prayer Ministry


This Sunday, November 11th is our annual congregational meeting for elections immediately following worship. Please remember we need to have at least 40 voting members present in order to hold the elections. Our slate of candidates is as follows:

Council: Sue Homza, Daniel Powlesland, Elke Wilkin, and Doris Rockwell

Endowment: Chuck Miller

Youth Representative: Abby Bray

Nominating Committee: Byron Griffin, Barbara Denegar

A display is up with their pictures and a short bio in the gathering area. As always, nominations from the floor are always accepted and welcomed.



If you have someone on the prayer list and you would like them to remain on the prayer list for the new church year, please call (732-229-9180), email (reformationwlb@gmail.com) or leave a note on Debbie’s desk. Please remember, unless otherwise asked, we will put your loved ones name on the weekly spoken prayer list for 4 weeks and then they will remain on the prayer list below and in the monthly messengers indefinitely (until you let us know we can remove them).



Kristen, Susan Angellino, Amy Appleton, Edgar Arlt, Peter Banfield, Bob Benson, Ronald Bersch, Jessica Blomn, Linda Brady, Christa Buergin, Kevin Conklin, Joy Crane, Estelle deLeon, John DiNapoli, Diane Donagan, Robert Donnegan, Mary Dopazo, Isabella Downer, Bill Eidenire, Brinley Engles, Betty Errigo, Elissa Faraone, Dave Fieltsch, Amanda Ferraro, Anthony “Bubba” Gaetano, Coralee Gleason, Leslie Gurlea, Max Holden, Macil Homza, Royce Howell, Pat & Jim Jackson, Ann Jamison, Trish Jamison, Edie Jansen, Ashley Kazar, Don Keller, Sharon Kennedy, Alan Keszler, Diane Kirk, Nancy & George Lautz, Roy Lingle, Marie Marchasani, Rick Matson, Barbara & Joseph McCarthy, Alida McKeon Conroy, Denis Mendez,  John Mercogliano, Kathy Meyer, Renee Moore, Terre Morgan, Debbie Munson, Hanna Myrhol, Ed Myzie, Kristine Naddeo, Beth Nilsson, Joan Nolan, Chris Notley, Gail Oberlin, George Ottino, Michael Pasquale, Stephanie Pirozzi, Tamara Presley, Bill Putt, Nestor Quiles, Myra Reyes, Glen Robinson, Kay Rupert, Doris Scheibner, Kiera Scott, Helen Shiffler, Carleen Smith, Carol Spear, Kurt Stahnke, Dolores Strockbine, Baby Mary Rose Sutter, Joe Tallman, Frank Trafari, Charlie White, Denise Willemsen, Rachel Zotti, the 2 little children at Jersey Shore Medical Center so very much in need of prayers


Christian Sympathy to the family and friends of Matthew Callahan a former student of Kevin Cotter for whom we’ve been praying



 MARY MARTHA CIRCLE NOVEMBER MEETING: Mary Martha Circle will be meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 14th at 12 p.m. in the gathering area. They’ll be putting together the Christmas Gift Satchels for 25 Seafarers! Come and join them!


FALL CLEANUP AT THE CHURCH: On Saturday, Nov. 17th we will have our fall cleanup at the church and there is a lot to do!! We need your help!! We’ll start at about 10 and work as long as we can inside and out!

Windows, screens, cobwebs high up, weeding, trimming, cutting back, and more……..Please find the time to give an hour or 2 during the day.  There is a signup sheet on the WANTED bulletin board in the gathering area and also in the binder on the round wooden table in the gathering area.


We’ll soon be putting together our 2019 Church Directory. Please check the current directory and send any necessary changes for your information to the church office at reformationwlb@gmail.com.   Please don’t assume we have any changes.  We try to make the directory as accurate as possible but we do make mistakes from time to time.  Thank you!

Poinsettia for our Christmas Altar:  If you would like to order a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one, please see the order form at the end of this weekly newsletter. We must put the order in to reserve our poinsettia by the middle of this month at the latest.

THANKSGIVING FOR THE FOOD PANTRY CLIENTS:  Please help us provide the trimmings for Thanksgiving dinner for our clients.  We just learned that Lidl on Rt. 35 in Eatontown has opened and they are having some amazing grand opening sales – green beans and corn are only .19 per can!!  We are in need of green beans, corn, muffin mix, cake/brownie mix, gravy, stuffing mix and instant potatoes.







The Altar Guild is taking orders for Christmas Poinsettias. Please consider purchasing a poinsettia, or two, in honor or in memory of a loved one.  The poinsettias will be placed around the altar for Christmas Eve worship and may be taken home after the   9:30pm worship service.   Cost: $15.00 each.


Donations to the Altar Guild fund, in honor or memory of a loved one, are also

gratefully accepted.  Please complete the form below and return it to the office as soon as possible with a deadline of November 15.


Name:                                                                 Phone #:__________________


Envelope #                 

# Poinsettia(s)______ Amount enclosed: $                    and/or I would like to donate: $                    

(code 705)

In honor of:                                                                                                                                        

In loving memory of: